WCC Underage/Junior Section season information 20/21 notifications

22 Sep 2020 by Cameron Smith


The Junior Committee and I are working behind the scenes to ensure everyone is up to date and conscious of the current environment in relation to the coming season. We have developed a series of posts that will be forthcoming to ensure everyone is fully informed on how the season will look.

There will also be reminder posts surrounding registrations and how to go about it.

To make sure that everyone is up to date with these posts, can I please ask that if you are not a member of Williamstown Cricket Club Facebook and Instagram page, then please do so.

All posts will be done via these platforms, so please ensure that you are a member.

When all this is said and done, we along with our member families will work our hardest to ensure that we make this season the best experience for those involved – as it will be a different one.

Further to this, additional comms will be published to provide information on what requirements will be enforced by the Authorities surrounding all Community Sport, but more specifically cricket.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again in brighter times.



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